To encourage you to book training sessions with us, providing you with guidance to enhance your confidence and proficiency in using our platform effectively.
Ensures you can navigate the platform with ease, maximising your productivity and unlocking the full potential of the tools available to you.
What training does Kato offer
We offer web-based training sessions on various topics to help you utilise the platform. These include:
Kato Pro:
Disposal Marketing
Applicant Management
Viewings & Interest Schedules
Agents Society:
Agents Society overview
Joint Agents Interest Schedules
Alternatively, we do have our Help Hub - this is a place where we have an abundance of articles you can look through which is great for when you get new starters or simply just get stuck!
Just search by key words to find an article - https://help.agents-society.com/en/
To book a session, simply let us know, and we'll provide you with our team's availability so you can choose a convenient time for you and your team.