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Email FAQs

Our most frequently asked questions about Emails

Hailey Good avatar
Written by Hailey Good
Updated over a week ago

Change email notifications

To update your email notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Settings" option located at the bottom left corner of your screen.

  2. Select "Notifications" from the menu.

  3. In the Notifications section, you can customise your preferences according to your needs.

This will allow you to tailor your email notification settings as per your requirements.

Not receiving emails

Here are some important points to consider and questions to ask regarding email-related issues:

Things to check:

  • Have you checked your junk/spam folder for the missing emails?

  • When was the last time you received an email successfully?

  • Are any of your colleagues experiencing the same issue, or is it limited to just you?

Team members aren't getting copies of emails

To assist you further, please provide us with the following details:

  • Please let us know the specific user who is not receiving emails.

  • Could you specify the type of emails that are missing from their inbox?

By providing this information, we will be able to investigate the issue regarding email notifications.

Filter my society emails

To manage your email inbox effectively, you can set up rules based on the subject line of the society's circulars. These circulars typically start with the symbol ➜. By targeting this specific text, you can create rules to organise and prioritise your incoming emails.

HOLDING: Sender verification required message

If you see a message saying 'HOLDING: Sender verification required' when trying to send out a campaign email, then please reach out to us and we will assist. We will need to authorise your email address to be able to send campaign emails.

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