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Queries regarding Society or AI invoicing

Hailey Good avatar
Written by Hailey Good
Updated over 3 months ago

How can I update our companies billing details?

You can update your organisations billing details by contact our support team on ether - or 0203 772 8898 or via the live chat on your account.

Can you create a bulk society invoice for our company and their users?

Yes, we can create a bulk society invoice for your company's users.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with your society access or invoicing, please feel free to contact our support team at or through the live chat on your account.

Can I get a refund on a users society access if a user is no longer at the company?

The City Agents Society, West End Agents Society, Office Agents Society and Retail & Leisure Agents Society do not allow for refunds or the transfer of access to another person.

The Industrial Agents Society operates slightly different. It allows for the transfer of access either to a new user within the same company (if the company has paid for the membership) or to your new company (if you have paid the invoice yourself).

How can I pay my Society Invoice?

To pay your invoice, simply click on the payment link provided on the invoice. This link will redirect you to our secure online payment portal called 'Stripe'. On the payment portal, you can enter your payment details and complete the transaction.

After making the payment, it is important to inform us about the payment so that we can promptly update your account and grant you access without any delays. You can notify us by sending an email to or by contacting us through the live chat feature on your account.

When is the Societies billing year start and end date?

From the 1st of April until the 31st of March of the following year.

Request a copy of my invoice

To request a copy of your invoice, contact us by emailing '' or send us a message through your account's live chat with the following information and we will send you a copy over:

  1. Your organisation name

  2. The invoice you need a copy of

Amend an invoice I've received

If you need any amendments made to an invoice you've received, contact us by emailing '' or send us a message through your account's live chat with the following information and we will look into make the amendments:

  1. Your organisation name

  2. The invoice that needs amending

  3. What on the invoice needs amending

Can I get a receipt for my payment?

Once you make a payment via the 'pay now' link on your invoice, you will have the option to download the receipt.

If you ever need a copy of the receipt, you can return to the same 'pay now' link and it will take you to the online payment portal where you can download a copy of the receipt.

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