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EG Radius Rankings & Bulk Publishing to EG Radius
EG Radius Rankings & Bulk Publishing to EG Radius

Monitor Rankings & Publish in Bulk on Radius Effortlessly

Hailey Good avatar
Written by Hailey Good
Updated over 4 months ago


To provide users with the tools to bulk publish their transaction data to EG Radius and actively monitor the rankings within Kato.


This integration simplifies workflows, saves time, and supports users in maximising the value of their transaction data.

EG Radius Rankings

You now have a dedicated module that provides an overview of your transaction statuses, functionality to publish to EG Radius in bulk, all while monitoring your organisation's performance in the rankings.

Top Level Navigation within EG Radius On-Demand Rankings

Rankings πŸ§—: View the current On-Demand Rankings.

Ready to Publish βœ…: These records have passed Validation and are ready to be published.

Not Ready to Publish ❌: These records have not passed Validation, and are most likely missing required information in order to publish. (Once updated, these should fall into "Ready to Publish ")

Published πŸ†: All records successfully published to EG Radius!

View your EG Radius On-Demand rankings

To view the Rankings, start by Navigating to your Lease Or Sales Tab;

  1. Select the appropriate tab

  2. Select EG Radius On-Demand Rankings

  3. Manage or Accept their Cookies

  4. Ensure you are within the "Rankings" tab.


  5. To view alternative regions, use the dropdown to focus on these other regions

Ready to Publish

Now with our Bulk publishing feature, climbing the rankings has never been so simple!

  1. Navigate to the "Ready to Publish" tab. These will show a list of transaction that meet the criteria to be published to EG Radius.


  2. When ready to publish, use the checkbox to select all and once ready, Select the "Publish to EG Radius" button shown below πŸ‘‡


  3. Lastly, confirm the details you would like to reflect within your EG Radius Record and select Publish!

    Note: Once you have published the transaction to EG Radius, any of the information listed below that exists on Kato will be transferred to EG Radius.

    Setting the toggle to Off will keep the transaction details private to you and your organisation within EG Radius.
    Setting the toggle to On will make the information visible within the EG Radius data exchange, allowing other organisations to see the contents of the deal.

Once published, you will receive a confirmation notification on the bottom left of your screen.

Managing failed items

Should your Transaction have failed although stated it was ready for publishing, you can have a further look into the failed item as shown below:

  • View the failed Item to refer to the error message for amending

  • Once in the record, EG Radius's error message will pop and you should then be able to navigate the missing information required in order for the record to publish successfully.

  • Should you feel the error message is not informative enough and you require further assistance in finding where the error lies - Reach out to us at and provide us with your error code so we can assist you further as well as improve our Error message if required.

Monitor and manage transactions not yet ready to be published

  1. View Records that perhaps need additional information to pass EG Radius's Validation in order to Publish


  2. View the Validation error advice provided and amend the record by selecting the "View Full Record" Option.

  3. Navigate to the Page referred to in the error and add the missing information to allow the record to pass validation and move into the "Ready to Publish" Tab.

  4. Once complete, go back to the "Ready to Publish" tab and bulk publish the remaining records.

Quick view of the bulk publishing workflow

Updating a published record

Once your record has been published, you are able to go back and amend any details if necessary:

  • Click into the "Published" Tab

  • Select the record you would like to make the amendment too

  • Update the record

  • Go to EG Radius options in "Transaction Details"

  • Update the record

  • Once the record has been updated, you will notice Kato stamps the Time, Date and User who made the update for future reference if needed.

  • This update can be seen within the Transaction record itself (Show above) or within the Summary when clicked into. (Shown Below)

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