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๐ŸŒŸPro - Disposals: Email

Compose and send an email out to marketing lists and other contacts

Mike Avery avatar
Written by Mike Avery
Updated over a week ago


With your Letting or Sale now created you will want to send this as an email campaign to your marketing lists and other contacts


Send the email to matching applicants stored in your system OR to a marketing list.

Send to matching applicants

  1. When on the property you want to email out, go to 'Find Matches'

  2. Switch from 'Society' to 'Internal' matches

  3. Choose the 'Send an Email campaign' option

  4. Tick any matching applicants you want to notify about this property

  5. Click the Blue bar at the bottom of the page 'Compose an email to the recipients from 3 requirements'

  6. You can tweak who the email comes from, the subject line, message and when the email is sent:

7. When you're ready you can hit send!

Send to a marketing list

  1. When on the property you want to email out, go to 'Actions' on the top right

  2. Select 'Send to a marketing list'

  3. Search for the property you want to email out

  4. Select from the list, the marketing list you want to send this property out to

  5. You can tweak who the email comes from, the subject line, message and when the email is sent:

6. When you're ready you can hit send!ย 

Drafted campaigns

View any campaigns you have drafted following the steps below:

Sent campaigns

View any campaigns you have sent following the steps below:

Campaign statistics

View the stats for your sent campaigns, including number of recipients, % opened, % clicked:

Utilising your default email text

If you need to add certain information on a disposal email, you can save yourself time by amending the default email text! This means the template will be saved for this disposal only:




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