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Lesson 2: Respond to Applicants - basics of storing & replying to enquiries
Lesson 2: Respond to Applicants - basics of storing & replying to enquiries
Mike Avery avatar
Written by Mike Avery
Updated over a week ago

What we'll cover

Manually create an enquiry

1. Open the requirement create form

Create a new requirement from the homepage, requirement results page or directly from a disposal. Select 'Direct Enquiry'.

2. Store the who, what & where

Storing a requirement follows 3 simple steps:

a) Who are they?

First search to see if the applicant already exists in your database, if not simply click create contact.

β˜… Pro Tip: store the applicants email address if you want to email them matches

​b) What are they looking for?

Next let's store the type of property they are looking for. Simply define the type, size, tenure and (optionally) budget.

β˜… Pro Tip: this is building the search criteria the system will use to automatically match properties

​c) Where are they looking for properties?

Once you've pressed 'save & set search locations' (blue button at the bottom) we then take you to the final step to store their search area.

We provide you a number of ways to select or draw their preferred search area, the simplest way is to use your favourites or radius search.

β˜… Pro Tip: the areas you select define where the system will initially try and find disposals that match the applicants criteria

That's it, you've now created your first requirement.

Add properties and send to the applicant

1. Find Matches to add to the applicants match list

From the requirement you just created click 'find matches' or follow the blue bar...

2. Select from auto-match list

The system will automatically present you with matches that it thinks would be good for the applicant. You can bulk select or cherry pick the properties to add to the applicants match list.

3. Expand the search criteria

Tweak the search criteria to see if there are any additional properties that maybe of interest.

β˜… Pro Tip: there is already a 10+/- buffer built into the size search criteria

4. Manually search for a disposal to add

You know your disposals better than we do, sometimes it's quicker to match a property by just search for it.

β˜… Pro Tip: this is a great way to send an applicant a curve-ball property, one that doesn't meet their criteria but you think would be a good option

Send matches to the applicant

1. View the requirements 'matches' list

From the matches list select "Send to applicant"

2. Select "Email Shortlist"

You will have 2 options to share the matches with the applicant, we'll walk through the basic email response. You can read more about the client login option here.

3. Curate & send your email to the applicant

Complete the form to send the matches to the applicant, it's super quick as it comes pre-filled!

  • Sender: Select who the email should come from (it'll default to coming from you)

  • Subject: Update the subject line to ensure it stands out in their inbox

  • Message: Personalise the email message to the applicant to maximise your chances to arrange a viewing

  • Notifications: Define if you want to CC in your colleagues or send yourself a copy of the email

Now press preview (to check the email) then 'SEND EMAIL' for it to be sent straight to the applicant πŸ‘

Now that you've replied to the applicant you will see a green reply icon next top them to make it clear which requirements you've dealt with.

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