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Lesson 1: Marketing your Property
Mike Avery avatar
Written by Mike Avery
Updated yesterday


To be able to easily publish your Letting or Sale to the various platforms and portals integrated within the system. This will help ensure your properties are seen by a wider audience, increasing the likelihood of successful engagement and interest.


With your Letting or Sale now created you will want to publish it to the many places and portals we integrate with so you can get applicants and agents alike looking at it.

Jump down to the relevant sections of this guide or watch the video below:

How to market your Disposal 🏞️

All of your property publishing options can be found on your marketing page:

Publish to the Agents Society

To begin sharing your property with other Agents Society Members, first review your advert details and ensure everything is accurate.

Make sure your listing meets society validation requirements, including rent, rates, and charges.

Once everything is in order, simply add a subject line and message, then publish your property to the Society.

Publish to Particulars (PDF)

To generate the auto PDF particulars for your property, you'll have access to various templates and customisable options to create your details.

Simply configure your preferences, then preview the PDF. If you're not satisfied with the result, you can go back and make updates.

Once you're happy with the content, publish it, and it will go live. The PDF will automatically stay in sync with any changes you make going forward.

Publish to Microsite

To generate your custom website, you'll have access to various templates and customisable options. Simply set your preferences, then preview the microsite.

If you're not satisfied with the result, you can go back and make updates. Once you're happy with the content, publish it, and your website will be created.

It will stay automatically in sync with any changes you make.

⭐️PRO TIP: you can map a custom domain to the website - just let us know

Publish to Your Website

To publish your property on your own website, simply set the customisable options to your preference and then publish.

The time it takes for the property to go live will depend on your website provider, ranging from instantly to a few hours.

Publish to Twitter

Simply click 'Twitter' to send a Tweet to your Twitter account. Steps are as follows:

  1. Click 'Connect Now'

  2. Click 'Connect Twitter'

  3. You'll be redirected to Twitter to authorise our app, click 'Authorise app'

  4. Once you've linked your account, go to the property you want to tweet about

  5. As soon as you hit 'Tweet' the tweet is sent instantly!

Publish to Property Portals

The easiest of all, simply click 'Property Portals' to start the publish your property to the relevant portals. Steps are as follows:

  1. Click publish / unpublish

  2. Depending on the portal this property can be live from instant to a few hours

Publish to Radius Data Exchange

Click 'Radius Data Exchange' to start the process of publishing your property to Radius. Steps are as follows:

  1. Search for the property address

  2. Set the configurable

  3. Press publish

  4. Then it will appear on Radius's website!

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