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Lesson 1: Property Marketing - initial steps to market a property to the public
Lesson 1: Property Marketing - initial steps to market a property to the public
Mike Avery avatar
Written by Mike Avery
Updated over a week ago


With your Letting or Sale now created you will want to publish it to the many places and portals we integrate with so you can get applicants and agents alike looking at it.

Jump down to the relevant sections of this guide or watch the video below:

​Let's start with a quick 2 minute overview to teach you the basics:


All of your property publishing options can be found on your marketing page:

Publish to the Agents Society

Click 'Society' to start the process of sharing your property to the other Agents Society Members. Steps are as follows:

  1. Check your advert details

  2. Ensure you pass the society validation (include your rent / rates / charges!)

  3. Add a subject line / message then press publish!

Publish to Particulars (PDF)

Click 'Particulars (PDF)' to start the process of generating the auto PDF particulars. You'll be presented with a number of templates and configurables to create your details and then you are ready to publish. Steps are as follows:

  1. Set the configurables

  2. Preview your PDF, if you are not happy then go back and update the content

  3. Once happy press publish and it will then be live, keeping in-sync with any new changes you make

Publish to Microsite

Click 'Microsite' to start the process of generating your custom website. You'll be presented with a number of templates and configurables and then you are ready to publish. Steps are as follows:

  1. Set the configurables

  2. Preview your microsite, if you are not happy then go back and update the content

  3. Once happy press publish and it will create the website, keeping in-sync with any new changes you make

⭐️PRO TIP: you can map a custom domain to the website - just let us know

Publish to Your Website

Click 'Your Website' to start the process of publishing your property to your own website. Steps are as follows:

  1. Set the configurables

  2. Press publish

  3. Depending on your website provider this property can be live from instant to a few hours.

Publish to Twitter

Simply click 'Twitter' to send a Tweet to your Twitter account. Steps are as follows:

  1. Click 'Connect Now'

  2. Click 'Connect Twitter'

  3. You'll be redirected to Twitter to authorise our app, click 'Authorise app'

  4. Once you've linked your account, go to the property you want to tweet about

  5. As soon as you hit 'Tweet' the tweet is sent instantly!

Publish to Property Portals

The easiest of all, simply click 'Property Portals' to start the publish your property to the relevant portals. Steps are as follows:

  1. Click publish / unpublish

  2. Depending on the portal this property can be live from instant to a few hours

Publish to Radius Data Exchange

Click 'Radius Data Exchange' to start the process of publishing your property to Radius. Steps are as follows:

  1. Search for the property address

  2. Set the configurables

  3. Press publish

  4. Then it will appear on Radius's website!

Success - you just published your disposal!

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